Cancer in the Digestive System

Cancer in the digestive system, may it be on the digestive tract or other organs of the digestive system can occur. The common digestive organs affected by cancer are the stomach, colon, rectum, liver, esophagus, and the pancreas. Among these, the World Health Organization ranked stomach cancer as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Of the digestive system, stomach cancer is the top cause of digestive cancer-related deaths.

Cancer occurs when cells in organs abnormally divide and produce new cells without control. Experts are not really sure how or why this occurs in cells. However, most cancers can be treated if it found during its early stages when cancer cells have not spread to other organs.

To learn more about the types of cancer affecting the digestive system, please see the following cancer articles.
Colon Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Liver Cancer
Cancer of the Pancreas
Cancer (February 2009). World Health Organization (WHO). Accessed: November 6, 2009

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