Appendicitis - Overview of Appendicitis

A brief overview on the causes, signs and symptoms and treatment of appendicitis.

Appendicitis is an inflammation that occurs in the appendix. The appendix is a small tube-like structure that is attached to the first part of the large intestine. The appendix does not have any known function in digestive functions.

Common Causes

The condition is more commonly caused by feces blocking the inside of the appendix. Other causes may include bacterial or viral infections in the digestive tract that causes swelling of the lymph nodes, which leads to squeezing of the appendix and can cause obstruction.

If not treated promptly, appendicitis may lead to rupture or bursting of the appendix and can lead to infection or even death. That is why appendicitis is considered as a medical emergency.

Signs and Symptoms

A person having appendicitis may experience pain in the abdomen, first around the belly button, then moving to the lower right area; loss of appetite; vomiting; and low fever that begins after other symptoms. The pain felt on the abdomen may intensify and worsen when the person tries to move, take in deep breaths, cough, or sneeze. The area is also very tender to touch.


Treatment of appendicitis includes appendectomy-the surgical removal of the appendix. Recovery from appendectomy takes a few weeks. Performing strenuous activities should be avoided during the recovery period.

If the diagnosis of appendicitis has not been established, your doctor may give you antibiotics and observe you for a while. This approach is taken if the doctor suspects that the patient's symptoms are due to nonsurgical causes or can be treated medically. Though, in general, appendicitis cannot be treated with antibiotics alone and will require surgery.

For a more comprehensive discussion about appendicitis including the anatomy of the appendix, causes, signs and symptoms and treatment options, visit our Appendicitis Page.

Topic Reference:
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse(NDDIC)(June 2004). Digestive Diseases A-Z: Appendicitis(NIH Publication No. 04–4547) ( Bethesda, MD: NIDDK, NIH, DHHS. Retrieved May 2008

Page Last Revised: August 26, 2011